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Secure and protect transactions on your website
SSL Certificates builds trust for your business which leads to more sales.
Compare our plans and find the right solution for your company. Or get in touch for a custom solution. Whatever you need, we can tailor your infrastructure and service based on your needs.
Let’s see what SSL Certificate is, how it works, and why it's so important for your website. An SSL ( means Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a kind of digital certificate for encrypting website data over the Internet. An SSL certificate consists of a public and a private key. Those two keys are used to establish a secure connection over the Internet. The certificate contains information about the issuer, subject, which is the identity of the website owner, and the validity of the certificate. When a visitor enters an SSL secured area of your website, your SSL certificate automatically creates an encrypted connection with their browser. An icon and “HTTPS” prefix appear in their browser bar to indicate that site is protected and it is safe to submit personal or financial information. FastWebHost provides cheap and highly SSL certicates in India since 2001. You can count on us!
When you are doing business online, you need to protect your customers data and win trust of customers. Typically, SSL is used to secure credit card transactions, online forms, data transfer and logins. SSL protects any data transferred between users and sites impossible to read. It uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit, preventing hackers from reading it as it is sent over the connection. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is just an updated, more secure, version of SSL.
After you purchase an SSL certificate, we’ll request you to fill details like website's domain name, business name and ownership details. Next, we’ll generate CSR ( Certificate Signing Request) on the server where your domain hosted. Then, submit the CSR and other information to the Certificate Authority. ( Certificate Issuer) Your website, business and ownership will be verified before issuing a certificate. FastWebHost is a leading SSL certificate provider in India, we sell SSL’s from cheap to premium categories suitable for all kinds of businesses.
If you buy SSL certificate through FastWebHost, then we’ll take care of SSL installation on your website. If you already got SSL certificate from another provider then, you can send SSL certificate keys to us and our support team will install it for you.
All SSL certificates have a maximum validity of 39 months but usually purchased on yearly basis.
You need to renew SSL certificate before expiry date every year. We usually extend or renew your SSL after payment done from your end. For any queries, contact us through helpdesk ticket or live chat 24/7.